Retail therapy... it’s totally a thing. Shopping is the adult version of using your imagination. Trix are for kids like Targets are for adults! #adultingishard

Hi Love!
Retail therapy... it’s totally a thing.
I don’t always have to buy something. Sometimes just walking into a store and letting my eyes wonder and wander, is the perfect fix. It's peaceful, it's calming, and it feels oh so good. When I was younger, I would have never thought shopping would be a way to releases endorphins. But little did I know that it would be yet another avenue for my creativity to rise and shine.
So I walked into Target the other day, Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato (upside down) in hand, and began my creative search. Looking high and low for that one thing that would whisper "take me home!"
What people fail to realize is that shopping is the adult version of using your imagination.
Trix are for kids like Targets are for adults!
There is such a fun innocence and playfulness in responsible therapy shopping. So as a kid runs to the playground, I grab my cart and happily stroll through mine. Not even 10 steps in and my imagination takes flight!
“Obsessed with this faux fur throw pillow!!!” “Hmmm... where would I put it? What color throw blanket can I drape behind it for my living room?”

Then the shopping ADD kicks in: “Ooooo Look at the mugs! How adorable is this blush pink color?! Should I buy it?! No. No. My hubby will kill me if I bring another one home. Wait, how did I get all the way over by the mugs? Where the heck are are the throw blankets? Ah, there they are! Focus Laine. Focus.”

Begins to touch every single throw blanket down the isle. "Oh, I love this one. Feels so cozy. Look at the knitted detail and the subtle pattern. Wait, is that a little bit of brown mixed with the cream and grey? Ding, Ding, Ding. Totes ModFarmStyle!"

“Now this is too much cream. Let's add a touch of bold to this scenario." Sloths cart back to pillow section. "How did I miss this one the first time! Love the pattern and the shade of grey. It's extra soft too!"

As I make my way to the checkout counter, I find myself passing the women's department. Well, we all know what happens next and I will save that for another post!
Some artists prefer a brush to paper, while others prefer to paint the canvas of life. Fashion, Home, and misc decor pieces make my heart sing. I hope this little blog blip helped inspire you for your next therapy sesh!
Never forget to shop responsibly!
Love Always,
Laine Anne